Monday, March 14, 2011



aku mau promosiii yaaaaaaaaa tentang blog my friend yg peace, love, and gaul KAYAK AKU haha . oke udah mulai gila aku, yasudah to the point aja yaaaaaaaaaa cekidot!

-user: adippong, si gadis kecil yang suka menggambar, anime, dll. everything about japan! (gak semua siiiiiiih)
-moltotto: this is mah blog. my first blog :D so dont be hard on me~ *sok inggris lu* btw :D im an Otaku! eh I like apple :D so i called my self Apple. anything wrong? ciss..silahkan baca entry
hahaha, skip, ini dia BLOGNYAHHHH (drumroll) :


visit yeaaaaaa. ;;)


peace love and gaul . you know you love me, xoxo Chica . (logay mode on)

1 comment:

Adippong said...

:D thankies alot mai hani bani sweetie ~~~~ --" aku bukan gadis kecil. gadis normal